Welcome to the Town Of Sherwood | Clark County, Wisconsin

The Town of Sherwood has developed this website as a public service for use by those who are looking for information about the town’s government, services and community.


                                     Monthly Town Board Meeting

**All monthly town board meetings dates and time are posted at our County W station, Road House Bar & Grill and at the town hall display window.  To confirm the date and time check agenda posted at above locations.  Our next monthly meeting will be held  Saturday April 12, 2025 at 9:00 am.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           


 Dust proofing with calcium chloride will again be applied to many locations on various roads throughout our township sometime early June.  This calcium chloride has a great impact on holding the dust down and saving gravel when traveling on our town roads.  If you live on a gravel road and not on our list please contact me (Andy Cegielski 715-884-2494) to get on the list for delivery in June.

Sherwood Cemetery:    Les and Kelly Moeller do a wonderful job being the landscape managers.  For any information about the lots please contact Lowell Freedlund who is the manager of the cemetery.  Also Marla Martin works with Lowell.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      We are in the process of expanding our cemetery, please attend our meetings to learn more about this.   Harold Wolfgram with Wolfgram, Gamoke, and Hutchinson SC is working with us for the legal work needed to be taken care of for the addition of the of expansion of approximately 80′ X  300′.  This extension is directly south of the existing cemetery.  The survey of the addition has been completed, now moving forward with the purchase of the property  from owners Lee & Lynn McDonald on the west side.  The east side owners, Dr Lei and his wife have already accepted our offer.  We are waiting to hear from Lee & Lynn McDonald.  


We have set up email accounts for chairman, clerk, and treasurer.  If you’d like to email us,

“chairman@townofsherwood.com”   “clerk@townofsherwood.com”,  “treasurer@townofsherwood.com”


Call the Clark County Extension Office, 715-743-5122

Email the Clark County Extension Office,  extensionadminstaff@co.clark.wi.us

Online information,  https://clark.extension.wisc.edu/clark-county/ 


Next month in April we will be sending out to our local gravel businessess a bid form to complete with their bid to supply gravel to anywhere in Sherwood for 2025.  Opening of the bids will be during the May meeting.  As always if you find an area needing grading please contact myself, Rick, or Ken.


 Verizon Tower.  Our service is available.  This tower is for Verizon customers only.  If you have another provider you should contact them and tell them of the location of the Verizon tower.  With enough interest they might contact Verizon and put up a dish on the tower to service their customers in the Sherwood area.


On the ballot for April 2025 election will be;

 Chairman, Andy Cegielski

Supervisor, Rick Schwanebeck

Supervisor, Lowell Freedlund

Clerk, Margaret Peggi Schwanebeck

Treasurer, Samantha Balsiger 

Write In’s are welcome when voting.


                                  Town Of Sherwood originated in 1874 

 Our annual Township picnic this year will be held Saturday August 9.   Our picnic is open to past and current residents, relatives, and visitors of the area.  Our picnic will again be held at the past Neal and Eleanor Coulthard property, just east of the Sherwood Cemetery.  Bob Pucci present owner has invited us back to hold the picnic again at Camp Neal.   Bob will provide all the guests with pulled pork meat for our meal along with corn on the cob.  All attending guests please bring a dish to pass.  The township will provide water, coffee, all table ware and condiments.  We again will have plenty of door prizes to be given away.  For our picnic in August we’ve added a little contest, “who has the largest tree in the Town of Sherwood”.  Bring a picture of the tree with the girth measurement taken on the trunk 14″ up from the bottom.  It can be any specie of tree.  Also we’ll share history of Sherwood and books written by our our late author Kay Scholtz.  Anyone have any other ideas to make our picnic more fun, contact one us board members or attend our monthly meetings.  

Clark County Parks and Forestry Grant

We applied for the $15,000 grant offered by CCFP.  This money will be used to update our road infrastructure that is used by the many trucks hauling pulp/logs from the county land.

Should we receive all or part of this Grant money we will be applying gravel to Sherwood West, Sandhill Ave, and Ballard West to preserve and maintain safety to all the traffic. 



50 – 50 Bridge & Culvert Aid.  This year we have no culverts needing replacement.  The aid is only for culverts 36″ in diameter or larger.    


County Road W will be completely redone during the summer of 2026.


Garbage and Recycle pickup is now completed using the hydraulic arm to pick up both garbage and recycle bins we set out.  Please have them set out by the road with lid open to the road and about 3′ apart.  The driver now doesn’t have to leave the truck creating a much safer environment for the driver and saving time completing their route.    If anyone should have trouble with being picked up, you are certainly welcome to call me.  If you would like to have more bins of either recycle or garbage please call WM directly to set up an account for yourself of more than one garbage or recycle container.  The phone number to call is 888-960-0008  When ordering more containers please tell them you are already part of Town of Sherwood residential contract.

                                      WM charge for extra containers.

  1. We allow extra carts and charge the Town accordingly. We set up a routing account showing the driver there is more than 1 trash and 1 recycling on site. Service for extra carts is still every other week.
  2. We encourage residents to call into customer service and set up their own billable account for additional carts (trash or recycling). They are charged directly from WM. Charge is $10 per month for trash and $5 per month for recycling. Additional carts are serviced every other week (same as original set). With this option, the Town is only responsible to “pay” for the 1st set of carts.

From: Thornton, Jason <Jason.Thornton@co.clark.wi.us>
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2025 11:54 AM
To: CLK Contacts – Municipality Clerks <CLK_Contacts_Mun_Clerks@co.clark.wi.us>; EMG_Emergency_Services_Association <EMG_Emergency_Services_Association@co.clark.wi.us>
Subject: Weather Siren Testing

Just an FYI Clark County will begin monthly weather siren testing on Wednesday April 2nd around 5pm.

This will take place on the first Wednesday of every month until fall unless there happens to be severe weather warnings out for our county then they won’t do it.  

Feel free to share with whom you see fit.

Any questions feel free to reach out.


Jason Thornton

Clark County Emergency Management

517 Court St. Room 306

Neillsville, WI 54456

Office: 715-743-8414

Cell: 715-429-0669

Dispatch 715-743-3157

Fax: 715-743-5177











 The research is currently being completed about constructing a power line coming from the west and going thru our township of Sherwood.  Latest release of information is the town of Sherwood is listed as the primary route.  The primary route is to run along  the north side of Sherwood Rd up to Hwy 73 then along Hwy 73 leaving Sherwood at the county line.  The other option mentioned was to follow the RR tracks thru Pray and City Point in Jackson County going east then north up through Wood County.  The plans are now in the hands of the PSC, Public Service Commission.  After their approval it will move to the engineers to lay out the specifics of the line construction.  Sometime during 2027, 2028, and 2029 will be the construction of the line and serviceable in 2030.  I do know from speaking with Mike White, representative for the company he told me from past history no one has ever lost their home or have power lines directly above buildings.   A power pole might be closer to a home than others but not so close to cause any problems.  For more information you can refer to their website, atc-gridforward.com. 

As new information is made available to me, I will continue to share that here on our web page.  Listed below are more news releases;

After a phone call conversation with Mike he followed up with an email to me.  I inserted it below.  Please refer to the link to answer many questions. 

Hi Andy,

 Nice speaking with you this am. Per our discussion, below are some links to our website that has some information specific to the project. As mentioned, we’ve filed the application with the Public Service Commission of WI—they are the regulatory agency that will review the application and determine if the project will move forward. They will also set a process for public comment and hearings after they determine our project is complete.

Here is a link to interactive open house:


There are also several project fact sheets on the web at the bottom of the link above (under ‘List of linked documents in the Virtual Open House’)

Below is a link to the PSC website:


Click on eServices, and then on

Docket Search (CMS)

Grid Forward docket is 5-CE-157

Finally, I can be reached at the number below (and this email) for additional questions. I’ll be out of the office through the end of the week but back next week.



Michael White

ATC Local Relations

Direct: (608) 877-3680

atcllc.com   @AmerTransCo


Dear Town of Sherwood Chairperson – Andy Cegielski,

 The Agricultural Impact Statement (AIS) program, as part of the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, has published an AIS for the proposed construction of a new 345-kV electric transmission line connecting the Tremval-Arpin-Columbia Substations in Adams, Clark, Columbia, Green Lake, Jackson, Marquette, Portage, Trempealeau, Waushara, and Wood Counties, WI in a joint project between the American Transmission Project Initiators (ATC) and the Northern States Power Project Initiators-Wisconsin (NSPW), doing business as Xcel Energy. Links to the AIS and appendices are below. You can also visit agimpact.wi.gov for more information on the AIS program.

“The links just below give a full detail of the proposed power line project, click on link to open” 

AIS: https://datcp.wi.gov/Documents/AIS4605_Final.pdf

 Appendices: https://datcp.wi.gov/Documents/AIS4605_Final_Appendices.pdf

 Per Wis. Statute §32.035(5) the AIS program shall distribute AIS publications to state and local governments, local news media and public libraries in the affected area to fulfill publication requirements.

 Please let me know if you have any questions about this AIS or the AIS program.


 Kirsten Biefeld

Pronouns: She/her/hers

Agricultural Impact Statement (AIS) Program Manager and Land Conservation Specialist

Division of Agricultural Resource Management

Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection



                                          Town of Sherwood


                                  Public Test of Voting Equipment

Under Wisconsin State Statute 5.84(1), a public test of the electronic ballot tabulation system will be held:

                                 Thursday, March 27th, 2025 at 11am.

                            Testing is open to the public and will be held at:

                        Sherwood Town Hall, W896 Sherwood Rd, Granton, WI

                                          Margaret Schwanebeck, Clerk

                         Gravel Bid, Town of Sherwood

               Town of Sherwood Road Surface Material

Town of Sherwood, N1175 County Rd Z, Pittsville, WI 54466.

 Town of Sherwood is seeking Bids from qualified vendors for suppling and delivery of approximately 3,000 yards of Wisconsin Department of Transportation Specification Gradation 3/4” Crushed Aggregate Base Course.

 Bids shall conform to the requirements of the Specifications noted on the bid form. Bid documents shall be obtained from the Town Chairman. Bid shall be submitted on Town bid form and signed by the vendor.

 Sealed Bids shall be received by the Town Chairman or Clerk no later than 9 pm on May 9, 2025; bids will be publicly opened and recorded at our monthly May 2025 meeting. The vendor is solely responsible for ensuring Bids are received before the deadline at the designated location. Call or email Andy Cegielski 715-884-2495 H, 715-53-1385 C, or email acegielski@tds.net for any further information and a bid form.

 The Town of Sherwood reserves the right to accept or reject any and all Bids.

                                                      Andy Cegielski

                                           Town of Sherwood Chairman