
Before 1992


It was December 3, 2019 our new John Deere grader was delivered. The new JD has AWD, about 25HP more than our old Cat along with many new features including AC, radio, fenders all around, rear camera, engine heater, better lighting and many more then the old 92 vintage has. Our 1992 Caterpillar cost us roughly $100,000 back in 1992 and we were allowed $35,000 in trade for this new one. The new one is costing us $242,500.
Along with a new grader comes a larger machine and therefore we need to modify the town garage. Our addition of 8 X 20 X 9 has been completed on the northeast corner of the garage.
Pictures here were provided by Lowell Freedlund

The Start of 1992

The End of 2019