Welcome to the Town Of Sherwood | Clark County, Wisconsin

The Town of Sherwood has developed this website as a public service for use by those who are looking for information about the town’s government, services and community.


                       Monthly Town Board Meeting

**All monthly town board meetings dates and time are posted at our County W station, Road House Bar & Grill and at the town hall display window.  To confirm the date and time check agenda posted at above locations.  Our next monthly meeting will be held  November 12 , 2024 at 6:30 pm                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

 Dust Proofing with calcium chloride, has now been applied to many locations on various roads throughout our township.  This calcium chloride has a great impact on holding the dust down and saving gravel when traveling on our town roads.  If you live on a gravel road and not on our list please contact me (Andy Cegielski 715-884-2494) to get on the list for delivery next year.  

Sherwood Cemetery:    Les and Kelly Moeller do a wonderful job being the landscape managers.  For any information about the lots please contact Lowell Freedlund who is the manager of the cemetery.  Also Marla Martin works with Lowell.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               We are in the process of expanding our cemetery, please attend our meetings to learn more about this.   We now have a legal advisor helping with this transaction, Harold Wolfgram with Wolfgram, Gamoke, and Hutchinson SC.  We also had the 80′ X approximately 300″ parcel that is our expansion appraised. This extension is directly south of the existing cemetery.    We have offered both land owners Lee & Lynn McDonald and Dr Lei and his wife double the appraised value.  As of today Dr Lei and his wife have accepted our offer.  We are waiting to hear from Lee & Lynn McDonald.


We have set up email accounts for chairman, clerk, and treasurer.  If you’d like to email us,

“chairman@townofsherwood.com”   “clerk@townofsherwood.com”,  “treasurer@townofsherwood.com”


Call the Clark County Extension Office, 715-743-5122

Email the Clark County Extension Office,  extensionadminstaff@co.clark.wi.us

Online information,  https://clark.extension.wisc.edu/clark-county/ 









                                    Town Of Sherwood  1874  –  2024

 Our annual Township picnic for this year 2024 was a great success celebrating Town of Sherwood 150 year anniversary.  About 80 persons attended, residents, visitors of the area, and past residents.  Bob Pucci, current owner, of the past Neal and Eleanor Coulthard property hosted the party at his shelter near the pond.  Bob provided all the guests with pulled pork meat for our meal along with corn on the cob.  We also had plenty of door prizes given away.

Clark County Parks and Forestry Grant

We applied for the $15,000 grant offered by CCFP.  This money will be used to update our road infrastructure that is used by the many trucks hauling pulp/logs from the county land.

Town of Sherwood was awarded and will receive  $2,000  as part of this grant. 
We used that money to repair the intersection of Division Ave and Ballard Road  West.  We added another culvert, widened Division Ave at the intersection, added gravel to both roads, and cleaned the ditches.    


County Road W will be completely redone during the summer of 2026.


Garbage and Recycle pickup is now completed using the hydraulic arm to pick up both garbage and recycle bins we set out.  Please have them set out by the road with lid open to the road and about 3′ apart.  The driver now doesn’t have to leave the truck creating a much safer environment for the driver and saving time completing their route.    If anyone should have trouble with being picked up, you are certainly welcome to call me.  If you would like to have more bins of either recycle or garbage please call me.  They can be ordered from WM at an additional cost of about $75 per year.


Tuesday June 11 at our monthly meeting we opened our gravel bids submitted to us.  We had two bids, Opelt’s Sand & Gravel of Neillsville and Bugar Trucking out of Loyal.  Opelt’s gave us a bid of $16.47 per yard of gravel delivered and Bugar Trucking’s bid is $13.90 per yard of gravel delivered.  August 27 we applied gravel to various locations on many of our roads.  Delivered was 2,608 yards costing $36,251.20.  As always if you find an area that needs grading please contact myself, Rick or Ken.


 Verizon Tower.  Power has been installed at the tower site on Badger Ave, the 3 pilings have been poured, and tower construction appears to be completed.  Not sure now of the completion date but I’d like to assume within a month for all the ground equipment.  I’ll keep updating as I learn more.  This tower is to cover only Verizon phone customers.  Other phone users will have to notify your provider to have a dish mounted on this Verizon tower.   

 I was recently informed there is research going on currently about constructing a power line coming from the west and going thru Sherwood.  The current plan is to either run along  Sherwood Rd through up to Hwy 73 then along Hwy 73 leaving Sherwood at the county line.  The other option to follow the RR tracks that follow thru Pray and City Point in Jackson County going east then north up through Wood County.  I will keep you all informed as information is made available to me.  The plans are soon to be delivered to the PSC, Public Service Commission.  After their approval it will move to the engineers to lay out the line.  Sometime during 2027, 2028, and 2029 will be the construction of the line and serviceable in 2030.  I do know from speaking with Mike White, representative for the company he told me from past history no one has ever lost their home or power lines directly above buildings.   A power pole might be closer to a home than others but not so close to cause any problems.  For more information you can refer to their website, atc-gridforward.com. 

After a phone call conversation with Mike he followed up with an email to me.  It follows below.  Please refer to the link to answer many questions. 

Hi Andy,

 Nice speaking with you this am. Per our discussion, below are some links to our website that has some information specific to the project. As mentioned, we’ve filed the application with the Public Service Commission of WI—they are the regulatory agency that will review the application and determine if the project will move forward. They will also set a process for public comment and hearings after they determine our project is complete.

Here is a link to interactive open house:


There are also several project fact sheets on the web at the bottom of the link above (under ‘List of linked documents in the Virtual Open House’)

Below is a link to the PSC website:


Click on eServices, and then on

Docket Search (CMS)

Grid Forward docket is 5-CE-157

Finally, I can be reached at the number below (and this email) for additional questions. I’ll be out of the office through the end of the week but back next week.



Michael White

ATC Local Relations

Direct: (608) 877-3680

atcllc.com   @AmerTransCo
